A baby's sleep routines and patterns are a little bit of a mystery to parents. They depend from child to child and evolve as children grow. When they are sleeping, they look like sweets: calm and peaceful, but the reality is not quite like that!
يعتبر من أكبر استثمارات العائلات في السنة الأولى ، بالإضافة إلى تكييف سلامة الطفل بشكل مباشر ، وبالتالي يتطلب الكثير من الاهتمام. إن التطور المستمر والتنوع الكبير لعربات الأطفال الموجودة أو مجموعات الشوارع تجعل الآباء يشعرون بأنهم غارقون في الكثير من المعلومات ، مع العديد من الفئات والعديد من التفاصيل.
لا تقلق ، نحن هنا للتبسيط ومساعدتك على اتخاذ القرار.
بادئ ذي بدء ، من المهم أن تضع في اعتبارك أنه يمكنك الاختيار بين عربة أطفال فردية أو مجموعة شارع - بمقعد سيارة - حسب احتياجاتك اليومية.
من بين المجموعات الحالية لحديثي الولادة ، يبرز ما يلي:
Tips and suggestions for a peaceful sleep
Each family has its rhythms and routines, so it will be up to each one to adapt our suggestions to their experiences and needs.
“Bathtime can start this slowing down ritual. A nice hot bath, with relaxing aroma oil and soothing music, helps prepare the baby's state of mind.
— When applying the moisturizing cream, do it accompanied by a massage.
— Decrease the presence of lights and noise in the home.
— Speak more slowly and in a lower voice.
— Read a story before bed. If they are very young, sing a lullaby.
— Laying the baby down with a doudou can help him sleep better. Before that, don't forget to sleep with the doudou for a night or two, so that it absorbs its scent. Babies feel safer this way.
— Position lights are always an ally, as they help you feel safe.
Let's talk about safety: do you know how to prepare the baby for sleep?
Trying to put your baby to sleep can be a challenging mission, as will ensuring your baby's safety during sleep.Therefore, some important factors must be taken into account to ensure a peaceful and accident-free sleep.
During the first year of life, keep the room temperature stable, between 18 and 21 degrees centigrade.When laying the baby down in the crib or bed, place him on his back with his feet against the bottom of the bed, covering him only up to shoulder height.Avoid being completely covered, as you will run the risk of overheating, and dispense with the use of pillows.
Inside the bed, do not leave any objects loose, such as blankets, pillows, stuffed animals or other toys, cloth diapers, bows or ribbons... . In turn, the pacifier disc must be at least 4.3 cm wide and have ventilation holes. Do not put strings to secure the pacifier around your neck, as moving around in your sleep can cause you to strangle.
The use of a surveillance intercom is an excellent ally to give you some rest, but you should still frequently confirm that your baby is calm and calm in the crib.
All these rules may seem a little extreme, but they are essential for your baby to sleep peacefully and safely. Remember: baby's safety is your greatest rest!
Are you looking for the most suitable items to ensure your baby's safety during sleep, as well as in all other rooms in the house? Visit our Childcare area dedicated to Baby Safety and find out more about the topic.